Olya Kosogova
talking to the Invisible for you and for myself

How to prepare for listening to your intuition?

5 September 2019

Let's say you wish to use your favourite way to listen to your intuition or a new intuitive tool you are currently exploring. Maybe a guided meditation, an exercise or a worksheet (like a worksheet for listening to your inner voice).

But something is stopping you and you feel doubtful or unclear about how to begin to do it. How to approach it and if it will work at all.

Maybe you wonder: "Will I be able to hear my inner voice at all? What if I hear something unclear or even frightening? What if I won't be able to concentrate enough? How will I be able to tune in? Or how do I switch from thinking to feeling at all? How do I make sure I listen to intuition and not make something up?"

Or maybe you know yourself well enough and simply wish to develop your intuition further. Maybe you want to know why sometimes you get intuitive insights and sometimes it doesn't seem to work that well.

Here I offer you a list of steps for preparing for listening to your intuition. These steps help you to tune it, remove distracting energies and feel more clear and courageous when you do any intuitive practice.

At the end of this post I will also share how simple techniques allow us to do several steps at once and how this makes the process of tuning it much more quickly. It doesn't have to be a complex ritual at all.

So, here are the steps helping you prepare to listen to your inner voice:

1. Organize your space and time.

It is easier to hear your intuition when you create enough space and time to listen to it. Of course, sometimes your inner voice may offer you an impressive hit out of the blue and thus completely clear everything for you to hear it... But more often it is our choice of where to put our attention which creates space for intuition. It may mean that you need to switch off the sound of your phone, tell your loved ones that you need half an hour to yourself or sort out the quick issue which keeps distracting you to you can really focus on your inner world.

Sometimes you need to negotiate about the time and space for your intuitive practice - with yourself. Especially if we are subconsciously avoiding listening to our feelings and intuition because a problem we need guidance on feels too difficult to face.

For example, I love listening to my inner guidance when I am driving. The flow of cars and the steady movement creates a meditative mood for me. But I also love listening to audiobooks while in the car. So sometimes I have to make a conscious effort to switch the audiobook off and create enough quiet space for myself to look within. My choice - "Yes, I will now listen to my intuition" - creates a space for me to actually do it.

2. Саlm down and get grounded.

When you got yourself space and time, next let yourself slow down, calm down and feel a bit more grounded, solid wherever you are. This step is very useful because the inner voice is usually quieter and in some ways more slow-going than our normal thinking brain.

You may choose to take a couple of sips of the tea you prepared, take several breaths or just stay where you are to relax and let yourself unwind. You may choose to do a meditation that helps you connect to the Earth. If you happen to be outside then pay attention to the nature around you for several minutes. Look at the natural lines, patterns, smell the fresh air and enjoy beautiful harmonious energies. Come back to here and now.

3. Turn your attention inward.

Our intuition mostly talks to us from inside, so taking our focus from the outside world back to our inner space really helps.

Curiously enough, even when we are alone with our thoughts we may still not be looking inside of ourselves. We may be trying to come up with external solutions, feel our emotions towards situations and other people somewhat automatically and see the external world as the real source of our joy or troubles. However, in truth we create from inside of ourselves and listening to intuition requires us to look inward to our powerful inner self.

To really turn your attention inward, start looking at your own thoughts which are coming up and observe your emotions as they rise for you. Check with yourself how you truly feel right now. Check how your body feels. And choose to expect to receive the answers - from inside of yourself.

You may ask yourself: "Ok, I know already what I think, but what do I feel right now about it?"

4. Clear your energy.

As you have organized space in your life to perceive your intuition, creating a clear space on the inside of yourself is also important. In our everyday state there are multiple thoughts in our mind, emotions, to-do lists, etc. We may have just arrived somewhere by public transport or had an emotional conversation with a friend and feel concerned about them. When all of this is going on, it may be really difficult to hear yourself clearly.

So it's a good idea to do a simple meditation to clear your energy field, reactivate your chakras or do a breathing exercise which helps to let go of unnecessary worries. Doing some physical clearing is great too - taking a shower, burning a candle or smudging some clearing herbs.

Also, when we have intense emotions, a sincere prayer could be a great help in asking for support (obviously), but also in terms of clearing our heart space, our mind and calming down as we begin to feel more supported.

5. Understand and feel your intentions.

The more clear is your focus, the easier it is to distinguish the voice of your intuition from other voices. Check with yourself what your real intention is in this conversation with your intuition and your intention regarding your current question.

"I wish to find a solution", "I want to feel better", "I want to see my next steps", "I want to heal. What could I do?" - all of these intentions are good if this is the core of what you want to achieve. It doesn't have to sound clever or spiritual, it just has to be sincere, be the real end result you hope to create. If you feel your intention clearly, your intuition can respond to you in a more precise and clear way too.

It is also important to check your intentions in the present time. Each day and even each moment the energy of our true desires in life has a slightly different rhythm or a vibe. It is important to sense what feels most authentic to you right now and connect to that energy.

If you notice that alongside your productive and positive intentions, you have a wish to not change anything and continue the current familiar struggle, feel free to pay attention to this part of you too. Sometimes, for example, a part of me wants to stay in drama and even experience a complete disaster instead of looking for solutions. I know this side of me and I know that it just wants attention and wants to find an excuse to release some tensions (completely unrelated to the issue I want to ask my inner voice about). So I may say to myself: "OK, I get it, we will have our emotional moment and will feel miserable for some minutes, but how about that we create something new after that? How about we find a better solution?"

After you give space to your unproductive (yet very sincere) intentions and let them be expressed too, you will find that you feel now more clear about what you really want in your situation. And moving to the next step will feel easy and natural.

6. Check your mindset.

Your mindset is how you look at the world. The filters, the subconscious beliefs you have, including if you are open to your intuition and to new ideas it may bring you.

It is important to check your mindset at the moment when you are preparing to talk to your intuition. Do you feel solutions can be found? Do you trust that you are supported and loved? Do you feel open to solutions right now? Do you trust yourself? Do you trust your intuition and life generally?

Even though I do intuitive work professionally and I believe with all my heart, mind and body that we are loved and helped all the time, I too have to check in with myself each time. I may have just watched some global news or maybe I am dealing with a personal challenge or simply I haven't slept very well and feel grumpy for no rational reason. And from that I start to feel worried, to search for solutions fearfully and temporarily forget the invisible world and support we have. This state filters out higher vibrations and intuitive guidance I may be looking for.

When I find myself with such a mindset, I use all my tools to pull myself out of this energy. I check where particularly I feel blocked and use affirmations to remind myself of love and truths I know. I remind myself that "I am safe", "We are safe", "I am worthy of my intuition", "I am guided", "I have intuition", "We are all loved", "There are always solutions and ways to heal". These affirmations help to reattune ourselves and shift our mind's settings to open up to intuition.

Another great way to shift your mindset is to do something for the "right side" of your brain. To switch your energy to another "gear" - from logical and rational to creative and flowing. Listen to some music, dance a little, play a little or do something creative with your hands. It helps you reconnect to yourself beyond just the mind and helps start the energy to flow and your mind to open up to new insights.

Which parts of your mindset do you feel you could change to be more open to your intuition?...

7. Non-attachment.

Or to be more accurate - not the complete detachment, but just a certain level of openness to better ideas and to the exact way our desires could come true.

A non-attachment and trust in Universe allows us to see that the best outcome we imagine right now may not be the best way and that the Universe (if we let go a bit more of our control) will bring us better ideas and the best synchronicities necessary on our way if we give it space and stay patient with timing.

Also, non-attachment helps us to receive the intuitive guidance which is there for us right now without trying to force our intuition to give us the ultimate answers. We relax and with an open mind and heart, with trust in life ask ourselves - "Okay, what does my intuition say to me now?" This way we access the most authentic and deep insight that we need to receive now.

8. Ask your invisible Helpers for help.

Most of the time, all previous steps are enough to put us in an open, intuitive and focused state.

But in case you feel you need extra support today, ask your Guides and Angels to help you hear answers better, stay open to ideas and have courage. Also ask them to send you guidance, solutions, and insight. They love to share their wisdom and offer support to you on your Way.

9. Talk with your intuition!

I know this sounds obvious, but I have to say it just to be sure.

Unless you actually go ahead and attempt to listen to your intuition, you will not achieve what all these steps have been for. Take the plunge and go check out where your inner GPS wants to take you next. It is your natural in-built part which helps you move forward, heal and basically achieve those goals for which you chose to incarnate this time around. It is safe to listen to your intuition.

10. After completion, decide which insights to implement today.

After you complete your intuitive practice - finish your meditation, your worksheet or listen to your intuition in any way which you love - select those insights which you feel ready to implement in your life today. It may be just a small step you actually take or a decision which you finally make, but try to apply the intuitive hits which you got.

This step allows you to grow more actively in your life. You bring the higher energies and deeper insight and ground them in your life. This changes you more, in a bigger, more real way.

But also this is about trusting your own intuition and treating it with a certain degree of respect and with responsibility. This creates a good connection between receiving guidance and applying it. This helps us see our inner GPS signal as an important source of practical relevant information.

Also, when you apply what you learned, you get to develop your intuitive muscle more by receiving feedback from life telling you if your intuition works and how it does that. You discover new evidence that it actually does work and is helping you. You grow to trust yourself more and feel more protected and loved on your journey.

Now let's talk about how to use these steps in a more quick and manageable way in real life.

Once you understand the purpose of each element of the process, you can easily adapt the practices you already like and use to help you hear your inner voice better.

For example, let's say I am in a store and need to check my intuition about which product to purchase. I would walk away from the seller a bit and start to focus my attention inside of me, on my chest area or just within my energy field. I will start breathing more consciously and let myself slow down a bit. I will keep breathing till I fill enough of my attention in my body and my energy clear from external noise. I will check with my intentions, call in my invisible Helpers and check if I am ready to discover the best solution or just want more drama right now. Usually, I am then ready to actually listen to my feelings and ask myself questions. This process all together may take only several minutes.

On a day when I am feeling connected well to myself, I check with intuition almost automatically, "skipping steps" because I just switch the gear to the intuitive wavelength. If I am not super open that day, then I pay attention to my energy and see which step I need to reapply now.

Another example and a simple technique I believe we all know is lighting a candle for the time when you want to do an intuitive practice. If you are doing it consciously and intentionally, you are creating time and space, calming down to be careful enough with fire, you clear energy around you, invite invisible help, clarify your intentions and also shift to a more sacred and open mindset.

One more way to prepare yourself for listening to your inner self is to use meditation music. Especially the one you already know. It instantly creates space and time, focuses you more inward, slows you down, creates a special mood, opens your mind more and helps clear your energy. You may call in some favorite invisible Helpers, focus your intentions, detach a bit - and off you go to dive in and connect to your inner intuitive self!

I hope these steps inspired you to feel more clear and more brave about listening to your intuition in all different ways and forms.

If you feel called get the free worksheet "Talk with Your Intuition". I created it to help you hear your inner voice about a specific question or a situation that is challenging for you right now. This worksheet helps you to look for solutions and answers within and helps you also to ask for support from the Universe.

If you would like one on one help with connecting to your soul and intuition - I also offer intuitive readings. You can learn more about it here.
How to prepare for listening to
your intuition?
5 September 2019

Let's say you wish to use your favourite way to listen to your intuition or a new intuitive tool you are currently exploring. Maybe a guided meditation, an exercise or a worksheet (like a worksheet for listening to your inner voice).

But something is stopping you and you feel doubtful and unclear about how to begin to do it. How to approach it and if it will work at all.
Maybe you wonder: "Will I be able to hear my inner voice at all? What if I hear something unclear or even frightening? What if I won't be able to concentrate enough? How will I be able to tune in? Or how do I switch from thinking to feeling at all? How do I make sure I listen to intuition and not make something up?"

Or maybe you know yourself well enough and simply wish to develop your intuition further. Maybe you want to know why sometimes you get intuitive insights and sometimes it doesn't seem to work that well.

Here I offer you a list of steps for preparing for listening to your intuition. These steps help you to tune it, remove distracting energies and feel more clear and courageous when you do any intuitive practice.

At the end of this post I will also share how simple techniques allow us to do several steps at once and how this makes the process of tuning it much more quickly. It doesn't have to be a complex ritual at all.

So, here are the steps helping you prepare to listen to your inner voice:

1. Organize your space and time.

It is easier to hear your intuition when you create enough space and time to listen to it. Of course, sometimes your inner voice may offer you an impressive hit out of the blue and thus completely clear everything for you to hear it... But more often it is our choice of where to put our attention which creates space for intuition. It may mean that you need to switch off the sound of your phone, tell your loved ones that you need half an hour to yourself or sort out the quick issue which keeps distracting you to you can really focus on your inner world.

Sometimes you need to negotiate about the time and space for your intuitive practice - with yourself. Especially if we are subconsciously avoiding listening to our feelings and intuition because a problem we need guidance on feels too difficult to face.

For example, I love listening to my inner guidance when I am driving. The flow of cars and the steady movement creates a meditative mood for me. But I also love listening to audiobooks while in the car. So sometimes I have to make a conscious effort to switch the audiobook off and create enough quiet space for myself to look within. My choice - " Yes, I will now listen to my intuition" - creates a space for me to actually do it.

2. Calm down and get grounded.

When you got yourself space and time, next let yourself slow down, calm down and feel a bit more grounded, solid wherever you are. This step is very useful because the inner voice is usually quieter and in some ways more slow-going than our normal thinking brain.

You may choose to take a couple of sips of the tea you prepared, take several breaths or just stay where you are to relax and let yourself unwind. You may choose to do a meditation that helps you connect to the Earth. If you happen to be outside then pay attention to the nature around you for several minutes. Look at the natural lines, patterns, smell the fresh air and enjoy beautiful harmonious energies. Come back to here and now.

3. Turn your attention inward.

Our intuition mostly talks to us from inside, so taking our focus from the outside world back to our inner space really helps.

Curiously enough, even when we are alone with our thoughts we may still not be looking inside of ourselves. We may be trying to come up with external solutions, feel our emotions towards situations and other people somewhat automatically and see the external world as the real source of our joy or troubles. However, in truth we create from inside of ourselves and listening to intuition requires us to look inward to our powerful inner self.

To really turn your attention inward, start looking at your own thoughts which are coming up and observe your emotions as they rise for you. Check with yourself how you truly feel right now. Check how your body feels. And choose to expect to receive the answers - from inside of yourself.

You may ask yourself: "OK, I know already what I think, but what do I feel right now about it?"

4. Clear your energy.

As you have organized space in your life to perceive your intuition, creating a clear space on the inside of yourself is also important. In our everyday state there are multiple thoughts in our mind, emotions, to-do lists, etc. We may have just arrived somewhere by public transport or had an emotional conversation with a friend and feel concerned about them. When all of this is going on, it may be really difficult to hear yourself clearly.

So it's a good idea to do a simple meditation to clear your energy field, reactivate your chakras or do a breathing exercise which helps to let go of unnecessary worries. Doing some physical clearing is great too - taking a shower, burning a candle or smudging some clearing herbs.

Also, when we have intense emotions, a sincere prayer could be a great help in asking for support (obviously), but also in terms of clearing our heart space, our mind and calming down as we begin to feel more supported.

5. Understand and feel your intentions.

The more clear is your focus, the easier it is to distinguish the voice of your intuition from other voices. Check with yourself what your real intention is in this conversation with your intuition and your intention regarding your current question.

"I wish to find a solution", "I want to feel better", "I want to see my next steps", "I want to heal. What could do?" - all of these intentions are good if this is the core of what you want to achieve. It doesn't have to sound clever or spiritual, it just has to be sincere, be the real end result you hope to create. If you feel your intention clearly, your intuition can respond to you in a more precise and clear way too.

It is also important to check your intentions in the present time. Each day and even each moment the energy of our true desires in life has a slightly different rhythm or a vibe. It is important to sense what feels most authentic to you right now and connect to that energy.

If you notice that alongside your productive and positive intentions, you have a wish to not change anything and continue the current familiar struggle, feel free to pay attention to this part of you too. Sometimes, for example, a part of me wants to stay in drama and even experience a complete disaster instead of looking for solutions. I know this side of me and I know that it just wants attention and wants to find an excuse to release some tensions (completely unrelated to the issue I want to ask my inner voice about). So I may say to myself: "OK, I get it, we will have our emotional moment and will feel miserable for some minutes, but how about that we create something new after that? How about we find a better solution?"

After you give space to your unproductive (yet very sincere) intentions and let them be expressed too, you will find that you feel now more clear about what you really want in your situation. And moving to the next step will feel easy and natural.

6. Check your mindset.

Your mindset is how you look at the world. The filters, the subconscious beliefs you have, including if you are open to your intuition and to new ideas it may bring you.

It is important to check your mindset at the moment when you are preparing to talk to your intuition. Do you feel solutions can be found? Do you trust that you are supported and loved? Do you feel open to solutions right now? Do you trust yourself? Do you trust your intuition and life generally?

Even though I do intuitive work professionally and I believe with all my heart, mind and body that we are loved and helped all the time, I too have to check in with myself each time. I may have just watched some global news or maybe I am dealing with a personal challenge or simply I haven't slept very well and feel grumpy for no rational reason. And from that I start to feel worried, to search for solutions fearfully and temporarily forget the invisible world and support we have. This state filters out higher vibrations and intuitive guidance I may be looking for.

When I find myself with such a mindset, I use all my tools to pull myself out of this energy. I check where particularly I feel blocked and use affirmations to remind myself of love and truths I know. I remind myself that "I am safe", "We are safe", "I am worthy of my intuition", "I am guided", "I have intuition", "We are all loved", "There are always solutions and ways to heal". These affirmations help to reattune ourselves and shift our mind's settings to open up to intuition.

Another great way to shift your mindset is to do something for the "right side" of your brain. To switch your energy to another "gear" - from logical and rational to creative and flowing. Listen to some music, dance a little, play a little or do something creative with your hands. It helps you reconnect to yourself beyond just the mind and helps start the energy to flow and your mind to open up to new insights.

Which parts of your mindset do you feel you could change to be more open to your intuition?...

7. Non-attachment.

Or to be more accurate - not the complete detachment, but just a certain level of openness to better ideas and to the exact way our desires could come true.

A non-attachment and trust in Universe allows us to see that the best outcome we imagine right now may not be the best way and that the Universe (if we let go a bit more of our control) will bring us better ideas and the best synchronicities necessary on our way if we give it space and stay patient with timing.

Also, non-attachment helps us to receive the intuitive guidance which is there for us right now without trying to force our intuition to give us the ultimate answers. We relax and with an open mind and heart, with trust in life ask ourselves - "Okay, what does my intuition say to me now?" This way we access the most authentic and deep insight that we need to receive now.

8. Ask your invisible Helpers for help.

Most of the time, all previous steps are enough to put us in an open, intuitive and focused state.

But in case you feel you need extra support today, ask your Guides and Angels to help you hear answers better, stay open to ideas and have courage. Also ask them to send you guidance, solutions, and insight. They love to share their wisdom and offer support to you on your Way.

9. Talk with your intuition!

I know this sounds obvious, but I have to say it just to be sure.

Unless you actually go ahead and attempt to listen to your intuition, you will not achieve what all these steps have been for. Take the plunge and go check out where your inner GPS wants to take you next. It is your natural in-built part which helps you move forward, heal and basically achieve those goals for which you chose to incarnate this time around. It is safe to listen to your intuition.

10. After completion, decide which insights to implement today.

After you complete your intuitive practice - finish your meditation, your worksheet or listen to your intuition in any way which you love - select those insights which you feel ready to implement in your life today. It may be just a small step you actually take or a decision which you finally make, but try to apply the intuitive hits which you got.

This step allows you to grow more actively in your life. You bring the higher energies and deeper insight and ground them in your life. This changes you more, in a bigger, more real way.

But also this is about trusting your own intuition and treating it with a certain degree of respect and with responsibility. This creates a good connection between receiving guidance and applying it. This helps us see our inner GPS signal as an important source of practical relevant information.

Also, when you apply what you learned, you get to develop your intuitive muscle more by receiving feedback from life telling you if your intuition works and how it does that. You discover new evidence that it actually does work and is helping you. You grow to trust yourself more and feel more protected and loved on your journey.

Now let's talk about how to use these steps in a more quick and manageable way in real life.

Once you understand the purpose of each element of the process, you can easily adapt the practices you already like and use to help you hear your inner voice better.

For example, let's say I am in a store and need to check my intuition about which product to purchase. I would walk away from the seller a bit and start to focus my attention inside of me, on my chest area or just within my energy field. I will start breathing more consciously and let myself slow down a bit. I will keep breathing till I fill enough of my attention in my body and my energy clear from external noise. I will check with my intentions, call in my invisible Helpers and check if I am ready to discover the best solution or just want more drama right now. Usually, I am then ready to actually listen to my feelings and ask myself questions. This process all together may take only several minutes.

On a day when I am feeling connected well to myself, I check with intuition almost automatically, "skipping steps" because I just switch the gear to the intuitive wavelength. If I am not super open that day, then I pay attention to my energy and see which step I need to reapply now.

Another example and a simple technique I believe we all know is lighting a candle for the time when you want to do an intuitive practice. If you are doing it consciously and intentionally, you are creating time and space, calming down to be careful enough with fire, you clear energy around you, invite invisible help, clarify your intentions and also shift to a more sacred and open mindset.

One more way to prepare yourself for listening to your inner self is to use meditation music. Especially the one you already know. It instantly creates space and time, focuses you more inward, slows you down, creates a special mood, opens your mind more and helps clear your energy. You may call in some favourite invisible Helpers, focus your intentions, detach a bit - and off you go to dive in and connect to your inner intuitive self!

I hope these steps inspired you to feel more clear and more brave about listening to your intuition in all different ways and forms.

If you feel called get the free worksheet "Talk with Your Intuition". I created it to help you hear your inner voice about a specific question or a situation that is challenging for you right now. This worksheet helps you to look for solutions and answers within and helps you also to ask for support from the Universe.

If you would like one on one help with connecting to your soul and intuition - I also offer intuitive readings. You can learn more about it here.
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