Olya Kosogova
talking to the Invisible for you and for myself

How to hear your intuition?
A simple way

14 June 2020

Intuition is a natural part of human psyche. That's why listening to intuition is simple. Nothing extraordinary.

On the other hand, the process of intuition development has so many layers and interesting nuances. So intuition could also be described in a very detailed way.

But often we don't need all that complexity.

Sometimes we simply want to reconnect to our intuition. Remember "where" it is located in our inner world. Find a quick way back to ourselves.

So, here is a simple approach to hearing your intuition. It goes like this:

Get into the right mood, ask a question and express the answer

Sounds clear and you just want some practical examples? Then please see this playful generator I created for you.

Wish to know more? Let's look at each step.
1. Get into the right mood
Relax and shift into a deeper state of mind to hear your intuition.

Let's say, you want to make a decision about something important. When you think about your decision, you become anxious, a bit emotional. Your mind starts to picture different outcomes. Maybe you feel tense from some deadline approaching.

To hear what your inner compass has to say, you need to get out of that stressed mode - even just for a few moments - and feel more relaxed, more calm. Find a way to release any tension (physical or emotional) and let your energy flow better.

For example, take several deep breaths, listen to some music that makes you feel good, meditate or go for a long run.

Once you relax, you can now think and feel more clearly.

However, to actually hear the intuition - not just your wonderful and clever intellect - you need to go deeper.

Intuition comes from your body, from your soul. It speaks with feelings, senses, fresh ideas and inner knowings.

So we need to do something to tune into those parts of us, beyond our usual thinking mind. It's like we switch gears in a car in order to go slower - or faster - when we need just that.

So, do something to remember that you have a soul, you are a soul and intuition is helping you.

Maybe imagine that Universe is on your side. If you like affirmations, then say your favourite ones couple of times. Or silently place your hands on your chest and feel your heart beating.

Please don't rush and take your time with this step. The deeper you go, the better your connection to your intuition will be.

You will know that you are in the right state of mind, when you start to feel less afraid, more open to ideas. You may start to feel like there is an answer, a solution and you are worthy of it. Your body may relax a bit more. Or your perception of time may change, as if you have more time to make the right decision.

The more you practice shifting into this intuitive, deeper mode, the quicker and easier it becomes.

2. Ask a question

Now we can chat with our intuition, finally! The way we do it is by asking questions and expressing the answers that come.

Yes, sometimes our inner voice speaks up without any preparations, when out of the blue a powerful message comes. A strong feeling arrives. A physical sign lands in front of our feet that removes any doubts... Such moments are wonderful. They are real, important and very helpful on our life journey.

However, when there is no guidance ready for us - and yet we need some - we can request it.

Ask your question silently in your mind, or state your issue out loud to yourself. Or maybe type it up in your notes or write down in your journal.

When you say question, direct it to the force which feels right to you. It could be your soul, your intuition, your gut, your God, angels, Universe, Divine Wisdom. Use the spiritual connection you already have in your life - an energy that you know loves you and helps you. Use your favourite way.

By the way, big power comes from asking directly.

For example, when we wonder: "I'm not sure if I want to stay in this job or leave.... I don't know... Maybe... but what if..."

Our energy completely changes when we decide to finally face the question and state it: "My gut, tell me, is it time to change my job?" An honest, direct question inevitably invokes a response.

Asking what we wish to know creates an energetic pull. It attracts the relevant answer to you - from your inner compass, your subconscious and from the Universe.

Asking questions help us to focus - and open up our minds for listening for an answer at the same time.

3. Express the answer

This is the most important step! Actually, it's key to growing your intuitive ability.

After you ask your question - name, express, write down, say out loud what comes to you.

Even if it's a very quiet, "no big deal" feeling, thought or image. Even if you doubt it was a message at all. You could always put a question mark next to it, for example, to soothe your careful intellect. But with whichever tricks you need find a way to express your intuition.

When you name what you receive, you translate a fleeting inner experience into something more solid.

Written down or pronounced out loud - the message is here now, in "reality". So you can explore it, think about it, work with it, make decisions.

Our intuition is always working, but we are so used to ignoring it. We tend to brush it off before we properly notice what it is we felt.

When we express our intuition in some tangible way, we train ourselves to pay attention to it. We start to notice that it is always there available for us. And that our inner voice has something to say - quite often actually.

Also, when we start to express what we received, it unfolds like a flower opening up. More details come up, the message itself becomes more clear and some practical ideas may emerge. Or maybe the intuitive feeling becomes so strong that you feel more confident to trust it.

So, the simple way to hear your intuition involves is this: relax, shift "gears", ask your question and express the answer that comes.

Here is another metaphor to help you remember how to get your intuition to speak. It's a bit like going for a swim in the sea.

You may walk around and talk anxiously about your life while being at the shore.

Then you may decide to calm down, change into your swimsuit and start testing the waters.

Then you get into the water fully and let yourself adapt to the temperature. Feel the coolness, move around, breathe deeper. Forget the to-do list left behind at the shore.

Then you finally dive in and explore the underwater world you came to explore.

And when you come back to the shore, you bring a beautiful seashell with you - the intuitive message you received. You don't leave it underwater. Because you wish to study its beauty at the shore, with no rush.

I hope this metaphor makes sense and will help you quickly find your intuitive answers when you need them next time.

For more practical examples of using these 3 steps, please try this generator game "How could I reach my intuition now?".

Are you trying to hear your intuition to find an answer to a specific question? Check out this free worksheet "Talk with Your Intuition". It guides you with questions, helps to dig deeper and gives you space to connect to yourself.

If you would like to get extra support, please book an intuitive reading with me by clicking here.
Sometimes we simply want to reconnect to our intuition. Remember "where" it is located in our inner world. Find a quick way back to ourselves.

So, here is a simple approach to hearing your intuition. It goes like this:
How to hear your intuition?
A simple way
14 June 2020

Intuition is a natural part of human psyche. That's why listening to intuition is simple. Nothing extraordinary.

On the other hand, the process of intuition development has so many layers and interesting nuances. So intuition could also be described in a very detailed way.

But often we don't need all that complexity.
How to hear your intuition? A simple way
This is the most important step! Actually, it's key to growing your intuitive ability.

After you ask your question - name, express, write down, say out loud what comes to you.

Even if it's a very quiet, "no big deal" feeling, thought or image. Even if you doubt it was a message at all. You could always put a question mark next to it, for example, to soothe your careful intellect. But with whichever tricks you need find a way to express your intuition.

When you name what you receive, you translate a fleeting inner experience into something more solid.

Written down or pronounced out loud - the message is here now, in "reality". So you can explore it, think about it, work with it, make decisions.

Our intuition is always working, but we are so used to ignoring it. We tend to brush it off before we properly notice what it is we felt.

When we express our intuition in some tangible way, we train ourselves to pay attention to it. We start to notice that it is always there available for us. And that our inner voice has something to say - quite often actually.

Also, when we start to express what we received, it unfolds like a flower opening up. More details come up, the message itself becomes more clear and some practical ideas may emerge. Or maybe the intuitive feeling becomes so strong that you feel more confident to trust it.
Get into the right mood, ask a question and express the answer
Sounds clear and you just want some practical examples? Then please see this playful generator I created for you.

Wish to know more? Let's look at each step.
1. Get into the right mood
Relax and shift into a deeper state of mind to hear your intuition.

Let's say, you want to make a decision about something important. When you think about your decision, you become anxious, a bit emotional. Your mind starts to picture different outcomes. Maybe you feel tense from some deadline approaching.

To hear what your inner compass has to say, you need to get out of that stressed mode - even just for a few moments - and feel more relaxed, more calm. Find a way to release any tension (physical or emotional) and let your energy flow better.

For example, take several deep breaths, listen to some music that makes you feel good, meditate or go for a long run.

Once you relax, you can now think and feel more clearly.

However, to actually hear the intuition - not just your wonderful and clever intellect - you need to go deeper.

Intuition comes from your body, from your soul. It speaks with feelings, senses, fresh ideas and inner knowings.

So we need to do something to tune into those parts of us, beyond our usual thinking mind. It's like we switch gears in a car in order to go slower - or faster - when we need just that.

So, do something to remember that you have a soul, you are a soul and intuition is helping you.

Maybe imagine that Universe is on your side. If you like affirmations, then say your favourite ones couple of times. Or silently place your hands on your chest and feel your heart beating.

Please don't rush and take your time with this step. The deeper you go, the better your connection to your intuition will be.

You will know that you are in the right state of mind, when you start to feel less afraid, more open to ideas. You may start to feel like there is an answer, a solution and you are worthy of it. Your body may relax a bit more. Or your perception of time may change, as if you have more time to make the right decision.

The more you practice shifting into this intuitive, deeper mode, the quicker and easier it becomes.
2. Ask a question
Now we can chat with our intuition, finally! The way we do it is by asking questions and expressing the answers that come.

Yes, sometimes our inner voice speaks up without any preparations, when out of the blue a powerful message comes. A strong feeling arrives. A physical sign lands in front of our feet that removes any doubts... Such moments are wonderful. They are real, important and very helpful on our life journey.

However, when there is no guidance ready for us - and yet we need some - we can request it.

Ask your question silently in your mind, or state your issue out loud to yourself. Or maybe type it up in your notes or write down in your journal.

When you say question, direct it to the force which feels right to you. It could be your soul, your intuition, your gut, your God, angels, Universe, Divine Wisdom. Use the spiritual connection you already have in your life - an energy that you know loves you and helps you. Use your favourite way.

By the way, big power comes from asking directly.

For example, when we wonder: "I'm not sure if I want to stay in this job or leave.... I don't know... Maybe... but what if..."

Our energy completely changes when we decide to finally face the question and state it: "My gut, tell me, is it time to change my job?" An honest, direct question inevitably invokes a response.

Asking what we wish to know creates an energetic pull. It attracts the relevant answer to you - from your inner compass, your subconscious and from the Universe.

Asking questions help us to focus - and open up our minds for listening for an answer at the same time.
3. Express the answer
Here is another metaphor to help you remember how to get your intuition to speak. It's a bit like going for a swim in the sea.

You may walk around and talk anxiously about your life while being at the shore.

Then you may decide to calm down, change into your swimsuit and start testing the waters.

Then you get into the water fully and let yourself adapt to the temperature. Feel the coolness, move around, breathe deeper. Forget the to-do list left behind at the shore.

Then you finally dive in and explore the underwater world you came to explore.

And when you come back to the shore, you bring a beautiful seashell with you - the intuitive message you received. You don't leave it underwater. Because you wish to study its beauty at the shore, with no rush.

I hope this metaphor makes sense and will help you quickly find your intuitive answers when you need them next time.

For more practical examples of using these 3 steps, please try this generator game "How could I reach my intuition now?".

Are you trying to hear your intuition to find an answer to a specific question? Check out this free worksheet "Talk with Your Intuition". It guides you with questions, helps to dig deeper and gives you space to connect to yourself.

If you would like to get extra support, please book an intuitive reading with me by clicking here.
So, the simple way to hear your intuition involves is this: relax, shift "gears", ask your question and express the answer that comes.
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